" I think maybe I like reminding myself I can fall in love at all. Maybe because I never saw my sister fall in love with anyone. It's possible she had someone she liked in that way, and I never knew about it. But even if the rest of me is fake, I know that the part of me that loves you is really me."

" Hello, Bonnibel."

"You men. All of you, you're horrible. Cheating on every woman. But you, you I actually decided to trust. I put my faith in you. I can't believe this. I wish that all of you would just die!"

" You should kill yourself."

"Hmm. Then I guess you've got no choice but to give up and devote yourself to the violin."

"Look at me now, touch me right now."Normality" cast a curse on me,
and I yearned for "abnormality".
I don't have any interest in your differing opinions or pet theories;
I’ve already locked the door.
I went beyond “love” and “hate”
and fell deeply in love with “abnormality” a long time ago.
And from the ruins of that warped love, it was created—
a brand new me."